Why we threw away our fancy website and started from scratch

How can you make your website the ultimate marketing tool? As a strategic marketing agency, we had to ask ourselves this question. We at STRAREX needed to set the tone and ideated a digitally optimized website that not only looks good, but is also built based on actual marketing aspects and data that have proven to work.
That’s exactly why we decided to start from scratch and build a new, better website based on the data we collected. This isn’t always an easy decision, because let’s face it: you put a lot of time and effort (let alone budget) into your website. But standing still is going backwards, and we only move forwards.

Of course we couldn’t get started without a solid game plan. The previous website was extremely important to collect data and run A/B tests to get to know our audience. We needed to find out how our clients and partners use the website, what they’re most interested in and how we could improve on-page conversions.
We don’t play the guessing game: you need to measure and analyse data. User testing allows you to make decisions based on actual behaviour from your audience. We took some valuable learnings from the whole process. Do you want to find out and take your website to the next level? Keep reading!
On page conversions
To boost our conversions we executed a lot of A/B split testing on the previous website. Why are these so important? If you don’t measure your conversions, you won’t be able to tell if your efforts are having the wanted result and if this aligns with your KPIs.

Testing and measuring on our previous website clearly showed that you need to have the right call to actions (CTAs) to convert. A key learning we want to give you, is to place CTAs prominently visible above the fold. This immediately grabs the attention of your visitors on the page without even scrolling. And not to forget… make it visual!
Through A/B-testing you can’t just measure which place works best, but also which text, form and color you should use. Don’t be afraid to experiment and be bold.
After implementing these findings on our new website and making our three main CTAs very visual above the fold, we saw a significant increase in on-page conversions. More visitors were contacting us for introductions and planning video calls… Yes, success! We apply the same strategy for many of our clients. Have a look at Agora Group for instance, where this led to an increasingly user-friendly and converting website and the results they wanted.
To ensure a great reading experience and clear division of content for your visitors, you need to make sure your UI design is on point. For our STRAREX homepage, we developed unique animations to captivate the user’s attention. The style and color palette of the animation makes a clear division between our three main sections and service offerings, as well as enough spacing to keep make this extra clear. To ensure our visitors stay attentive while scrolling, we also developed an animation in the background triggered by the scrolling motion. Subtle, yet effective!

Want to know more about conversion rates and how to increase yours?
SEO, the way to go
Of course we can’t forget about Search Engine Optimization! Why is SEO so important for your website? Think about all the times you Googled something. No one wants to scroll all the way down or check the second page to find the right answer – this is the no-go zone. That’s why you need to be in the top results showing after a search to attract visitors to your website organically.

Google has a way of ranking websites by scanning the content on your pages and checking if these match with the descriptions you give your page. Meaning: they need to contain valuable content! To really elevate your results, you need to keep away from keyword stuffing and write content that your visitors actually want to read. Make it relevant for the mission of your business or organisation. This can also include blogs answering questions your audience might have or showing your expertise on important topics. More technical aspects play a huge part as well, such as link building and meta titles.
Want to learn more about SEO and the technical aspects you need to pay attention to?

The outcome is a brand new website that you can use as a marketing tool rather than just another communication channel. It adds value for your customers and increases your conversions and sales. Invest in a website that is relevant in the digital era and you are guaranteed to see the results.
Looking to increase your conversions and create a real winning website?
Contact us for an introduction and let’s see if we can take it to the next level together!